Chalk n Cheese
February 6, 2018
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Consumers In Some Niches Require Education Before They Will Commit... Harnessing This Can Become The Backbone For Great Marketing Campaigns.

Teaching Prospects Builds Trust

When someone first encounters your brand, they won't care about you. By educating that person about something dear to their hearts, you will start building a relationship.

For Onebook, education based marketing was the path to success. For them we used our agency specialty three-phased campaign.

The three phased campaign recognises the different psychological states people go through as they build a relationship, and segments an audience according to their level of intent.

Video Case Study

In this video Johno jumps into detail on how we market a lot of kiwi companies.

In many cases companies want to achieve targeted brand awareness to build up their company's profile. To achieve this we deploy education based marketing, which builds rapport between your company and a mass audience.

Then we provide plenty of opportunities for your audience to take the next step, whether that's making a purchase or becoming a lead.


If your company qualifies, we will provide you with a free 45 minute strategy session. To apply, click the button below, choose a time, and answer the pre-qualification questions.